Landing Page Optimization:


Since Beer of the Month Club won our B2C clinic contest, we felt it appropriate to add one more landing page analysis to make it a complete six-pack. One analyst immediately came to mind for this review — and we were happy to tap into his expertise to top off this series …

Analyst Tony Valcarcel reviewed this landing page, submitted by Dr. Brantley’s Weekend Detoxification Program.

I’m going to cover 3 major elements on this page:

  1. Clarity of the Value Proposition
  2. Competing objectives on the page
  3. Use of credibility indicators on the page


Clarity of the value proposition:

The headline is the first thing the user is going to see when they come to this page. Currently the headline does a good job of letting the user know why they are on this page. By stating that this program is “A Quick and Easy Way To Cleanse Your Body with My Powerful Herbal Formulas” the user can quickly identify what this product has to offer.


The shortcomings in this headline are that the word “program” does not accurately convey that the user is going to be purchasing a pill regimen. I would suggest changing the verbiage from “Program” to “Treatment” or “Regimen”.

The second shortcoming this headline contains is the lack of a differentiating factor. The question the author of this page should ask themselves is “What makes this product significantly better and superior to its competitors?” The answer to this could be one of many things, such as whether or not the product has been in production longer than any of its competitors, or if the product has been used by more customers than any of its competitors.

This sort of statement should be made both qualitatively and quantitatively. So rather than saying that this product is “The most widely used Detoxification Treatment” let the user know exactly how many people have used this product to make it the most widely used. This can be accomplished by following the headline with a statement like “that has helped 3,450 people cleanse their bodies.” So one of the first headlines I would test would read something like “The most widely used Detoxification Treatment that has helped over 3,450 people cleanse their bodies.”

Competing objectives:

This page offers the user the option of either opting in to receive a free health report or purchasing one of three packages of this product.




The first step I would take to address this issue would be to first decide which option is more valuable to the company. Does the free health report generate more revenue than people who to the page and purchase directly? If so then that should be the primary objective of this page. That being said, if this were the primary objective of this page I would move it below the introduction paragraph and include a screenshot of what the report looks like so that the user can clearly see what it is they are about to sign up to receive.

Alternatively, if the main revenue driver from this page is direct product purchase then I would remove the opt-in box for the free health report from its current location and include the report as an incentive with product purchase. I would place this incentive underneath the “Buy this program” button and include a screen shot of the free report.

I would also test offering only the single sale of the product rather than the three individual packages. I would test the following variations individually as well:

  1. Offer the single sale of the product and place an upsell with savings information on the first step in the cart checkout process
  2. Offer the single sale of the product and place an upsell with savings information on the thank you page. I would build this upsell so that it functions similarly to Amazon’s “One click” to buy more button.

Use of credibility indicators:

Lastly I would include customer testimonials that let the reader of this information know that other people have used this product and found it helpful. I would test including these testimonials down the right hand side of the page in a sidebar in addition to placing them directly under the aforementioned incentive. Here is an example of that type of testimonial integration.

Additionally industry awards and recognition are another great way to express value to the user through a third party. For example, if this product has won the “Best Detoxification Award” for the past 2 years I would include a representation of that near the Call to Action (Button). If the creator of this product was recognized by a scientific or health journal that would also be beneficial information to include on this page, such as “Dr. Brantley was recognized last year by Healthy Living magazine for his groundbreaking work in the field of detoxification and herbal cleansing.”

Audience: What do you think? Use the comments field to post your suggestions for this landing page, agree/disagree with Tony’s assessment, and let the page owner know what you would do differently.

Many thanks to the courageous marketers who submitted their pages for review.

Note: We’ll post another series of landing page optimizations following our next Special Clinic on B2B Landing Page Optimization on February 25, with guest Brian Carroll. Enter your B2B landing page for a chance to have it optimized and win valuable prizes.

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